Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Civility Not Censorship

In her first 6 words, Chavez argues that she feels that civility is important in public settings. Chavez explains how certain words- “bellicose metaphors” that might offend some had nothing to do with the shooting in Tucson. Indeed, “bellicose metaphors” are a part of our national conversation. Chaves is attempting to persuade the reader to believe that it is not the words themselves that hurt others, but the context of the words and the hate behind them. The best example that proves Chavez’s point is: “It would be a good thing if all of us, not just politicians and pundits, learned to think before we speak -- but being thoughtful doesn't mean we have to be bland.” I agree with Chavez because words do hurt others but it is also how we say them that cause emotional destruction and anger.