Monday, November 29, 2010

Rev. Borghardt's Sermon Diagnostic

1. Rev. Borghardt used "Christ" 25 times in his sermon. Borghardt uses the verbs lives, makes, took, died, rose, reigns, makes, set apart and smiles to reveal what Christ does for His children.

2. The theme of Borghard’ts sermon is that one day we will be healed from everything that hurts us. It is easy to think that this world is full of suffering but Jesus came into this world to take away all our pain. Borghardt also emphasizes that because Jesus died, tears and mourning are tiny things compared to the big thing which is that God’s saints are still alive and can never die.  The theme of Edward’s sermon is that we should repent and turn to Jesus who saved us out of fear of God’s wrath which is burning against us.


  1. I like the contrast between how Borghardt percieves pain as temporary and focuses on God's love, and Edwards' focus on God's wrath.

  2. I like how how say "that one day we will be healed from everything that hurts us" for the theme of Borghardt's sermon, and how you constrast it with Edward's theme of God's wrath "burning against us".
