Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Luther's theme of "Savior of the Nations Come"

Luther's theme of the hymn "Savior of the Nation's Come" is that Jesus came to earth,  humbled Himself and became a man to save us from our sins. His birth was not a royal birth that He deserved, but in a humble stable surrounded by dirty and smelly animals. His mother was the virgin Mary who was just an ordinary woman. Despite that, God still chose her to give birth to the Savior of the world. Jesus was rejected by the people He came to save. Jesus dealt with pain and suffering, so He could understand our struggles. Luther used diction by using the word "wondrous" to descibe the birth of Jesus. By choosing to use that specific word, Luther showed that even though the birth of Christ was humble and simple, it was still wondrous because Jesus was coming to save the world from sin. Luther could have used words such as "amazing" or "beautiful" but those words would not create such a powerful effect. Luther also uses the language tool of compare/contrast. He contrasts that Jesus was disowned by the world, but He will still be enthroned in Heaven. Also used by Luther is description. He describes the manger as " shining" with the love of Jesus.

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