Friday, February 4, 2011

A Day with no Words....

Having a day with no talking but only drawing pictures or acting out what you want to say is very challenging. One interesting experience I had today was at lunch when all my friends and I were trying to communicate by drawing pictures. One of my friends tried to ask me a simple question which was if I am going to the dance on Saturday. She started by drawing a picture of girls with their arms up and music notes in the background and a giant question mark over the picture and I could not figure out what she was trying to tell me. She tried to give me a further explanation but I still could not understand. This caused her to dance in her seat, which was quite comical.Then it finally clicked and I shook my head to let her know that I am not going. It is very hard to convey an accurate message with only drawing pictures and acting out what you want to say. It was also very frustrating that I interpreted others' messages the wrong way and others' interpreted my messages the wrong way, and others have absolutely no idea what I was attempting to tell them using no words.


  1. Haha hey! I just posted my interpretation of our little adventure at lunch lol. I'm so glad you found my dancing "quite comical" ;-)

  2. I agree that it was difficult to understand what people were trying to say with their whiteboards. You can't say something complicated (like asking if someone is going to a dance), just like you can't say something complicated with smoke signals.

  3. I like your example about how it was difficult to understand that Jessica was trying to see if you were going to the dance. On a normal day this would've been easy for you to understand and give a quick response. Instead Jessica had to try her hardest through pictures and charades to get you to understand the question. This relly shows how limited a person can be from his or her medium.

  4. Boiling frogs is very dangerous when it comes to communication.
