Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Think before you Laugh

During the concluding paragraph of the book, Postman discusses the distinction between thinking and laughing. He references the characters in Brave New World and how they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking. Yet, Postman made it very clear that the problem was not they were laughing instead of thinking. This is very true of our culture today, we tend to laugh about things that might not even be very funny, but everyone around us is laughing, so we will go along with it and laugh. Another serious problem in our culture is that we sometimes don't think at all which causes us to say things that we will later regret. This last paragraph in the book helps to prove Postman's view on technology and the effect it has on our brains which can sometimes be negative. Some television shows are mindless and do not allow any thought process. Therefore, Postman thinks that our culture expects most forms of entertainment to be mindless and should not cause us to think.

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